The City of Dryden enforces City by-laws to ensure your safety and health including property maintenance, property standards, zoning, parking, etc. You can obtain a copy of a by-law from our By-Law Module or by contacting the Building and Planning department. Please use our confidential Property Standards complaint form if you would like to report any non-compliance with the property standards by-law. Make sure to include a valid name and phone number with your complaint. This information remains strictly confidential but is required for our records. For all other by-law enforcement issues please contact the Building and Planning Department directly.
This database is searchable for by-laws from 2018 to present (with the exception of Municipal Code Chapters). For any by-laws prior to 2018, please contact the Clerk’s Office.
Please note that by-laws available on this website are provided as a convenience only and as such users should verify all information before acting on it. Every effort is made to ensure the by-laws on this website are accurate and contain the latest amendments; however, the Corporation of the City of Dryden cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided here.
By-law to Regulate the operation of All- Terrain Vehicles etc. within the City of Dryden
By-Law established to regulate the opperation of all- terrain vehicles, dirt bikes, motorized snow vehicles, mulit-purpose off-highway utility vehicles, recreational off-highway vehicles and extreme terrain vehicles within the City of Dryden.
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