Public Notices
The public is reminded that under Section 4.5(1) of the City of Dryden By-law 2022-24, “Every owner or person who keeps a dog or cat or other animal shall forthwith remove excrement left by the dog, cat, or animal on any lands within the City, and dispose of such excrement in a sanitary and lawful manner.” This, however, does not apply to a Service Animal.
The City of Dryden appreciates the cooperation and assistance of the public throughout the year in keeping our neighbourhoods, parks, trails and community clean. Please carry a plastic bag at all times when you are walking your pet so you can remove the waste from public property immediately.
Any person who contravenes any provision of the above noted by-law is guilty of an offence and, upon conviction, is liable to a penalty as provided under the Provincial Offences Act.
The public is reminded that:
Under the City of Dryden Municipal Code, Chapter 210, Signs, Schedule A, no signs are allowed on any public utility poles.
Under the Highway Traffic Act, R.R.O. 1990, it is a violation to post signs on any traffic signal including traffic light standards, stop signs, speed limit signs, median signs, etc.
The City of Dryden appreciates the cooperation of the public to ensure public utility poles and traffic signs/signals within the City of Dryden remain free of any unauthorized signage which includes Garage Sale/Yard Sale or Event type signs. These unauthorized signs pose a very serious safety hazard and litter issue in the City.
Any person who contravenes any provision of the above noted Chapter or Act is guilty of an offence and, upon conviction, is liable to a penalty as provided under the Provincial Offences Act.
A. Euler, City Clerk
March 2024
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