Looking for Committee of Adjustment members!
We are looking for community members interested in joining the Committee of Adjustment! The Committee of Adjustment is under the delegated authority of City Council. It is formed by three members of the community, and functions like an informal court or council.
If you wish to construct a new building, make additions or alterations to an existing building then your proposal must comply with the City of Dryden Zoning By-law. The same can be said for the erection of signs, or fences, in relation to their applicable By-laws. When your project does not meet one or more provisions of the applicable by-law, you must apply for a minor variance. The Committee of Adjustment will review your minor variance application and if approved, permission is granted to move forward with your proposed project and If applicable a building or sign permit must then be applied for. Typical requests for variances include: building setbacks, building heights, reduction in parking requirements, sign sizes or placement, fence heights or minor changes in legal non conforming uses, etc.
Meeting on an as-needed basis, the Committee also approves severances/consents under the Planning Act, to create new lots, additions to existing lots, allow easements/rights-of-way (such as for utility services or shared driveways, etc.) and for long-term land leases (for more than 21 years).
For more information, email planning@dryden.ca or visit www.dryden.ca/boardsandcommittees to apply.
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